Friday, December 13, 2013

The Sims House Party Cheat!

Who loves palying The Sims?!
So this is cheats of The Sims House Party

During gameplay, press CTRL+SHIFT+C, and a prompt will appear in the upper left corner of the screen. Enter one of the cheats below to enable the code.

1. 1000 Simoleons : rosebud

2. Add family history stat to current family : hist_add
3. Allow visitors to be controlled using the keyboard : visitor_control
4. Append route destination list to AllRoutes.txt when new route found : write_destlist
5. Architecture tools automatically set the level as needed : auto_level
6. Begin Sim Logging : sim_log begin
7. Crash game : crash
8. Create a character mode : edit_char
9. Disable ''draw all animation frames'' : draw_all_frames_off
10. Disable floorable grid : draw_floorable_off
11. Disable Map Editor: map_edit_off
12. Disable Preview Animations : preview_anims off
13. Disable routing debug balloons : route_balloons_off
14. Draw dots at each Sim's origin : draw_origins
15. Dump most recent list of scored interactions to a file : dump_happy
16. Dump motive contribution curve to a file : dump_mc
17. Enable ''draw all animation frames'' : draw_all_frames_on
18. Enable floorable grid : draw_floorable_on
19. Enable map editor : map_edit on
20. Enable review animations : preview_anims on

21. Enable routing debug balloons : route_balloons_on
23. Fix lot objects : prepare_lot
24. Import and load specified FAM file : import (FAM File)
25. Invisible objects : genable_objects off
26. Load house house : (house number)
27. Log animations in event log window : log_animations
28. Move any object : move_objects on
29. Programmer Stats : tile_info
30. Refresh character texture : refresh_textures
31. Restore tutorial : restore_tut
32. Rotate Camera : rotation (0-3)
33. Save family history : history
34. Save house : save
35. Say "plugh" : plugh
36. Say "xyzzy" : xyzzy
37. Say ''porntipsguzzardo'' : porntipsguzzardo
38. Set event logging mask : log_mask
39. Set grass change value : edit_grass (number)
40. Set grass growth : grow_grass (0-150)
41. Set lot size : lot_size (number)
42. Set menu items to appear for in-use objects : allow_inuse
43. Show personality and interests : interests
44. Show tile information : tile_info on
45. Sim's path displayed : draw_routes on
46. Sim's path hidden : draw_routes_off
47. Ticks disabled : sweep off
48. Ticks enabled : sweep on
49. Toggle assets report : report_assets
50. Toggle automatic object reset : auto_reset
51. Toggle camera mode : cam_mode
52. Toggle music : music
53. Toggle object compression : obj_comp
54. Toggle sound log : sound_log
55. Toggle sounds : sound
56. Toggle web page creation : html
57. Total reload : reload_people
58. Trigger sound event : soundevent
59. Water tool : water_tool

Good Luck!!


  1. tau Omegle? Kalo iya coba tulis tentang itu, aku mau tau pendapat orang tentang itu tuh gimana sih
