Friday, December 13, 2013

Peribahasa Indonesia (Indonesian Proverbs)

 “Ada gula ada semut.” ("Where there is sugar, there are ants.")
Meaning: People tend to be attracted to what benefits them the most. 

“Bermain air basah, bermain api hangus.” ("Playing with water, wet; playing with fire, burned.")
Meaning: Every action has its consequences.

 “Gajah mati meninggalkan gadingnya, macan mati meninggalkan belangnya, manusia mati meninggalkan namanya.” ("An elephant that dies leaves its tusk, a tiger that dies leaves its stripes, a person who dies leaves his/her name.")
Meaning: Someone will be remembered by his/her accolades.

"Ingin hati memeluk gunung, apa daya tangan tak sampai." ("The will of the heart is to hug the mountain, but the arm is not long enough.")

Meaning: This often refers to a person who does not have enough resources to do/accomplish his goal/wish.

 “Malu bertanya, sesat di jalan.” ("Being embarrassed to ask will result in getting lost on the street.")
Meaning: Asking questions is the only way to learn.

"Ada asap ada api." ("Where there is smoke, there is fire"
Meaning: There's a cause for everything.

"Ada udang di balik batu." ("There is a shrimp behind the stone")
Meaning: There is a hidden motive behind an act

"Air beriak tanda tak dalam." ("Shallow water has ripples")
Meaning: Overly boisterous/ loud-mouthed people often don't know much. To be "all talk".

"Air susu dibalas dengan air tuba." ("Milk is repaid with poison")
Meaning: A good deed that is repaid by a bad deed

"Air tenang menghanyutkan." ("Calm water runs deep.")
Meaning: Never underestimate a quiet person, for he may have qualities that belie his quiet nature.

"Air tenang jangan disangka tiada buaya" ("Never think that calm water doesn't have crocodiles.")
Meaning: Never take for granted a peaceful outlook since danger may lurk beneath.

"Anak dipangku dilepaskan, beruk di rimba disusukan." ("A child on the lap is let go, a monkey from the forest is nursed instead.")
Meaning: Changing priorities.

"Bagai aur dengan tebing" ("Like bamboo and the river bank")
Meaning: Each is dependent on the other for mutual survival.

"Bagai kuku dengan isi." ("Like a fingernail and the flesh beneath.")
Meaning: Each is dependent on the other for mutual survival.

"Bagai mendapat durian runtuh." ("Like obtaining a fallen durian.")

Meaning: When a durian tree's fruit is ripe, many of the durians will fall to the ground. This proverb refers to someone who has suddenly gained much wealth/ good fortune.

"Bagai menatang minyak yang penuh." ("Like carrying a cupful of oil.")

Meaning: A person who is extremely cautious in doing something. Often used to describe one's love for a child.

"Bagai telur diujung tanduk." ("Like an egg on the tip of a horn.")

Meaning: In a very difficult/ tricky situation. The egg will soon fall and break.

"Berakit-rakit ke hulu, berenang-renang ke tepian. Bersakit-sakit dahulu, bersenang-senang kemudian." ("Paddle upstream, swim down to the edge. Go through pain or hardship first, then experience fun and happiness.")

Meaning: No pain, no gain. Often, both couplets are cited. Sometimes just the first couplet. Rafting up the stream signifies arduous effort, swimming (downhill) is the fun and easy part.

"Dimana bumi dipijak, disitu langit dijunjung." ("Wherever ground is stood on, the sky is hold high")

Meaning: Wherever we live, we must observe the local custom.

"Gajah di pelupuk mata tak tampak, semut diseberang lautan tampak." ("An elephant on the eyelid can't be seen, but an ant on the other side of the sea can.")

Meaning: An egotistic person can't realize his/her own mistakes, but can always find mistakes of other

"Jadilah kumbang, hidup sekali di taman bunga, jangan jadi lalat, hidup sekali di bukit sampah." ("Be a bee, living in a flowery garden, not a fly, living in hill of garbage.")

Meaning: Try to live a useful life.

"Kasih anak sepanjang galah, kasih ibu sepanjang jalan." ("The love from a child is as long as a stick, the love from a mother is as long as a road")

Meaning: A mother's love is never end

"Lebih baik satu burung ditangan dari pada sepuluh burung dipohon." ("Better one bird in the hand than 10 birds on the tree.")

Meaning: Better something than nothing.

"Merdeka atau mati." ("Freedom or death.")

Meaning: We have to fight for our freedom as long as it takes, and we shall not mind the death following our struggle for independent

"Nasi telah menjadi bubur." ("The rice has become porridge")

Meaning: Describe, usually with regret, something that has already happened and is irreversible.

"Sedia payung sebelum hujan." ("Have an umbrella ready before the rain")

Meaning: Always be prepared

"Sepandai-pandai tupai meloncat, akhirnya jatuh juga." ("No matter how good a squirrel can jump, it will fall eventually.")

Meaning: No matter how smart a person is, eventually he/she will make a mistake.

"Sudah jatuh, tertimpa tangga pula." ("A person slips, and a ladder falls on him.")

Meaning: All the bad things seem to happen at the same time.

"Surga di telapak kaki ibu." ("Heaven is on the bottom of mother's foot.")

Meaning: A person who loves/cares about their mother is doing the best deed.

"Tong kosong nyaring bunyinya." ("An empty drum gives loud sound.")

Meaning: A person who talks a lot usually is empty inside (of knowledge).

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